La dr.ssa Paola FOSSATI quest’anno proporrà una Summer School, che è parte di un progetto europeo Erasmus+ Jean Monnet e che sto organizzando in collaborazione con docenti dell’Università di Hannover e di Newcastle e con il funzionario dell’Unione europea Head of Unit Animal Welfare, dott. Andrea Gavinelli.
La partecipazione alla Summer School è gratuita ed è prevista sia in presenza sia online.
La lingua ufficiale sarà l’inglese.
Di seguito, una breve presentazione. In allegato la locandina informativa.
Summer School SAWE - 'School of Animal Welfare and Ethics'
Short CV and Motivation letter to
WHEN: from 16 to 20 September 2024
WHERE: at the University of Milan, via Festa del Perdono 7, room 302, or online through the MSTeams platform
WHO: Open to young graduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, but also to researchers, academics or professionals already working in the field, with an interest in animal welfare, animal bioethics and animal protection regulations and policies.
WHY: One of the main objectives of the Summer School is to promote an opportunity for different categories of participants to meet and exchange ideas: professionals who are just entering the world of work and others who are already part of it, working in sectors related to activities involving animals or simply passionate about the topics of the Summer School.
The SAWE is part of a Jean Monnet Erasmus+ European project.
The official language will be English.
martedì 27 agosto 2024